
Read this disclaimer (“disclaimer”) carefully prior to using www.pictureboxco.com (“website”) by Picture Box Company LLC (“us”, “we”, “our”). By using our website, you accept this disclaimer in full.

The content on this website is our intellectual property unless expressly stated herein, and is offered without any form of guarantee or claim to their correctness. The content can be changed at any time without prior notice from us.

We are not responsible for any content, code or any other imprecision, and do not provide warranties or guarantees. In no event shall we be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, whether in action of contract, negligence, or other tort, arising out of or in connection with the use of the contents of our website.

All intellectual property rights concerning the material and content belong to us, and copying, distribution and any other use of these materials is not permitted without the prior written permission from Picture Box Company LLC, except and only to the extent otherwise provided in regulations of mandatory law, unless otherwise stated for certain materials. Certain images and artwork are provided by third parties such as Cottonbro and Albert Pranoto, and we are not a publisher of their content, and as such exercise no editorial control over such content and makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or currency of any information, content, policies or service provided by such third party.

We shall not bear any liability for links to other websites or services of third parties included on our website, nor shall we bear any liability for any functionality, content, action or values provided by such external sites or third parties. We shall not bear any liability for third parties, including without limitation, any warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third party rights. No oral advice or written information given by us or any of our affiliates, employees, officers, directors, agents, or the like will create a warranty. Without limiting the foregoing, Picture Box Company LLC does not warrant that our website and service will be uninterrupted, uncorrupted, timely or error-free.

We do not collect information from visitors of this website by default, however some information, such as but not limited to, cookies, may be collected without notice, and shall then be considered information we may use freely, except by unlawful action.

If any part of this Disclaimer is held to be invalid or unenforceable by any judicial or other competent authority, the remainder of the Disclaimer shall remain in full force and effect and will in no way be impaired.


Picture Box Company LLC is a Limited Liability Company incorporated in the United States of America.